Author / soomi
Human Harp_Di Mainstone I’ve worked with Di Mainstone from this summer for her new project calls Human Harp. This is a wearable technology project that is using the human body to play a suspension bridge as a musical instrument – a harp. I’ve helped her to produce the trailer of the project, and please check it out:…
[Press] Design Milk
An article about the LED Eyelash from Design Milk. Read the full article from this link:
[News] Design Interactions 2013 website is ready.
The website of projects from this year’s Design Interactions graduates is now live: Please visit and see the works of us.
[Exhibition] SHOW RCA 2013
Show RCA 2013 begins with the Fashion Show on 29 May, and continues from 20 to 30 June, in six buildings across the College’s two campuses in Battersea and Kensington. I am presenting my recent project ‘The Republic of Privacy’ in the show, please come visit and share your opinion with me! Please see more…
[Press] Daily Mail
An article about LED Eyelash in Daily Mail (UK). To read more, please visit the link below.
[Interview] London Korean Times
A recent interview with London Korean Times. Please see the link below to read the interview:
[News] TEDxVienna – Sabine Seymour – Functional Aesthetics
Since LED Eyelash was included in her book Functional Aesthetics, the author, Sabine Seymour, was mentioning LED Eyelash in her speech at the TEDxVienna in 2010.
[Interview] Designite Magazine
A recent interview with Designite Magazine, to read the full article please see the following link:
[Exhibition] Lay Artist
The advent of ‘Lay artist’ in the new media age Art signifies creative human practices that produce aesthetic works. Therefore, artists are ‘people who engage in the creation of art’. In the past, those who created aesthetic works under the categories of painting, sculpture, and crafts were called artists. But since the 20th century,…
[Workshop] Artscience Workshop: Le Laboratoire de Paris
I am going to attend as a member of RCA mentor group (with Agatha Haines and Louis Buckley) in this year’s Artscience Workshop,Le Laboratoire de Paris, to mentoring young students from all over the world. Here is a short introduction about the the workshop: The 5th annual Artscience Workshop will focus the considerable attention of more…
Royal College of Art 2012 Degree Show
Since I’m studying in Design Interactions at Royal College of Art, London, from last year, it is literary amazing to see the progress of 2nd years’ projects.I was helping them about few weeks for small tasks of building electronics. Although it was really hard and long journey for them but also for us (all of…
[Exhibition] B.Y.O.B Seoul (Bring Your Own Beamer)
BYOB is an acronym for “Bring Your Own Beamer”. In Europe projectors are often referred to as “beamers”. BYOB is a series of one-night-exhibitions curated by different people around the world. The idea is simple: Find a place, invite many artists, ask them to bring their projectors. BYOB is an idea by Rafaël Rozendaal. The…